Blowing 2013 a good-bye kiss!
Good bye, 2013! You've been a pretty good year for me, and I'm sure I'll look back at you with general fondness. We had some great times together. Sure, there were a few bumps in the road but over all, I think you did right by me. I hope that 2014 takes a page from your book and treats me right.
Some highlights of the year:
-I went to Tribal Fest and the Las Vegas Bellydance Intensive for the first time.
-Vegas was also my first time performing out-of-state!
-This was also the first year for the Beat the Heat Retreat down in Bisbee, which was so much fun.
-Tons of great performances with my troupe and as a soloist.
-Lots of new costumes in my wardrobe!
-New dance friends, and good times with old friends too.
-I took over co-hosting Open Stage.
-I started Beauty Blogging for Bellydancers.
-I wrote some blog posts that got people talking.
-That spiked bracelet in the picture above. I've wanted one for so long!
-Finished my tattoo!
-Added fan veils to my repertoire. I may have started working with them at the end of 2012, but I don't think I performed with them until 2013.
-Started taking ballet classes.
Some good non-dance life stuff, too:
-I attended two great weddings!
-When my cat got sick in September I was super worried but it turned out to be something easy to manage.
-My husband is doing great in school.
-I read so many good books. Tons of books! Geez.
-I did some beadwork that I'm pretty proud of.
But let's face it, it was mostly all about the dance and 2014 is going to be even more of that.