Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gem show and classes

No rest for the wicked -- I went right from Unmata weekend into gem show week! Yesterday was a little shopping and vendor-visiting, and today was 5 hours of grueling labor setting up the Beyond Beadery booth -- which actually takes a lot more than 5 hours, I just got to leave early because I had a dentist appointment. Lucky me?

I was bad last night and skipped class in favor of hanging out with beading friends, an awesome local beader has a few out-of-towners staying at her place and I was invited over to eat chicken and bead, which seemed like a good way to rest my sore Unmata leg ;)

Tonight I went to class, but I only did 101 and skipped drills -- I have a ton of stuff to do tonight and I couldn't really justify staying out until 9:30 for class when I need to be in bed no later than midnight! Class was challenging, even though we were doing some basic-basics. There was a lot of balance work and my legs were tired from schlepping beads so it was hard to stand on one leg at a time! But we also did some practice on being graceful and focusing on intention, so that was nice -- more emotional and mental challenges, less physical ones.

Sadly, that was the only class I get to take this week! I have to work the show until 8 tomorrow, which means no Fonda, and driving to Tempe on Thursday is just plain out of the question.

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