Friday, March 8, 2013

What's in the bag?!?

My apologies for not posting an actual cosmetics review today. I had hoped to do a steampunk-themed one in honor of Wild Wild West Con being this weekend, but I've been so busy making jewelry to vend at that event that I unfortunately never had time to sit down and play with makeup.

HOWEVER! Next week. Oh wow guys. Next week! You see, Pantone has declared Emerald the Color of the Year for 2013, and Sephora teamed up with them to do an entire collection of green makeup to celebrate, and I might have gone on a little shopping spree. There is a LOT of green makeup in that bag, and St. Patrick's Day is next weekend, so I hope you are ready for an emerald-hued Wearing O' The Green Spectacular! I will spend next week creating looks with as many of those items as I can.

It's going to be awesome!

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