Sunday, January 23, 2011

The latest practice yet!

Day 22 of practice.

Ugh. I overslept, work wasn't conducive to more than a few seconds of belly rolls here and there, and our game ran past midnight. By the time the game was done, I was so tired that once again all I wanted to do was sleep (I really need a day where I can sleep in until noon, but I don't think that will happen any time soon). Practice consisted of half an hour, ish, of shimmies and other isolations while my husband and I looked at some YouTube videos (mainly seeing just how many different covers of The Cure's Lovesong we could find, none of which were as epic as Tanzwut's version).

My brother-in-law is getting into town tomorrow and staying with us for a week, but I am determined not to let him being here interfere with my practice or class schedule.

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